Available services
Disabled and fragile people:
When can I book Cala Brandinchi?
Bookings from the accesses will start from 18:00 on June 13, 2023 and will be booked exclusively for the second day following (for example, for the day 11/07 you can book from 18:00 on the day 09/07), subject to availability.
How much do you pay to enter Cala Brandinchi?
The rates in force for the year 2023 are:
WARNING: the reservation system is valid only for booking and access to the beaches of Lu Impostu and Cala Brandinchi and does not include any parking fees.
On the site it will also be possible to check in real time the possible residual availability of access to the free beach.
Cala Brandinchi and Lu Impostu regulation: